Table of Contents

Build / Compile 2sxc / EAV / JS Parts

Important: If you only want to USE 2sxc / EAV, then you do NOT need this. This is meant for people who want to contribute to the source code of 2sxc and EAV.


This is very new documentation and applies to 2sxc 16.06+


2sxc has a few git repositories, each with their own build process. But in general they all follow the same principles:

  1. When you compile a project, it will first compile the standard way, into the dist (JS) or bin (C#) folder
  2. The build process (WebPack or MSBuild) will then check the current folder and all parent folders for a file 2sxc-build.config.json to determine places which it should copy things to...
  3. If not found, it will use 2sxc-build-fallback.config.json which is located in the root of each repository - this is basically empty but should reference these docs.

Use Cases

Use Case 1: Build a Part and Copy Manually

Let's assume you just got started and want to try something in partial project. You can just pull the repo, npm-ci everything and build.

As a result you'll have the compiled JS in the dist folder and can manually copy it to folder of any DNN/Oqtane as you wish.

Use Case 2: Build a JS Library and Copy to DNN/Oqtane Automatically

In this scenario you would do the same as above, but in addition to that, create a 2sxc-build.config.json file in the repo folder with the specs.

Use Case 3: Build Everything Automatically

This is the scenario that the 2sxc team uses to build everything automatically. This is our folder structure:

  • C:\Projects\2sxc the root folder
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc-build.config.json - The config file in our root
    • c:\Projects\2sxc\\Website - our main DNN installation for verifying DNN 9.6.1
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\Oqtane\oqtane.framework\Oqtane.Server - our main Oqtane installation for verifying Oqtane 4.x
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc - the main 2sxc C# repo
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc-ui - the 2sxc JS repo
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\eav-server - the eav C# repo
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\eav-ui - the EAV JS parts repo
    • C:\Projects\2sxc\InstallPackages the location where the final ZIP and NuGets are created

And this is the 2sxc-build.config.json mentioned above:

  "JsTargets": [
  "DnnTargets": [
  "OqtaneTargets": [
  "Sources": [
  "DnnInstallPackage": "C:/Projects/2sxc/InstallPackages/Dnn-Installer",
  "OqtaneInstallPackage": "C:/Projects/2sxc/InstallPackages/OqtaneModule"


  • New in 2023-09 v16.06
