Table of Contents

The docs as explained here are used in multiple projects, but documented only once for better maintenance. When applying this to other projects, remember that some things such as the name, repository, or paths are a bit different.

Deploy the Docs to GitHub

This documentation is static HTML which can be hosted on any web server.

As of now it's hosted an GitHub Pages, which automatically hosts the /docs folder of this repository.

Push the result back to the repository. GitHub will automatically publish the updated documentation to:

How it Works

For this to work, the GitHub repository must be configured to host GitHub pages.

After every push, GitHub will review the /docs folder and publish it to the configured URL. This can take between 1 and 10 minutes.


Github allows us to use our own domain name (otherwise it would be or something).

But this is a bit fragile, a file called CNAME must be in the /docs folder with the domain name in it. If it is deleted, the domain will stop working and a repo-admin will need to configure the domain anew.

Main Author

Daniel Mettler, @iJungleboy [MS MVP, Oqtane Core Team]

Content Management Expert, Chief Architect of 2sxc and cre8magic.
Forged in the jungles of Indonesia, lives in Switzerland , loves Oqtane 🩸 & 2sxc πŸ’œ.

LinkedIn | Discord: @iJungleboy | Twitter: @iJungleboy | Github: @iJungleboy