Table of Contents

Authors and Attribution

In the documentation, we want to give credit to the authors of the content. This is done by adding a small attribution at the end of each page.

Here is an example:


This will render as:

Main Author

Daniel Mettler, @iJungleboy [MS MVP, Oqtane Core Team]

Content Management Expert, Chief Architect of 2sxc and cre8magic.
Forged in the jungles of Indonesia, lives in Switzerland , loves Oqtane 🩸 & 2sxc 💜.

LinkedIn | Discord: @iJungleboy | Twitter: @iJungleboy | Github: @iJungleboy

How it Works

All authors which want attribution should

  1. create a page in a subfolder of the shared/authors/ folder.
  2. Please follow the existing conventions for the file and also for the image which is to be used in the assets subfolder.

Note that the should be the main author of the page, and other authors may be added later, with a smaller attribution (not specified yet).


  1. New ca. 2024-11