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Mermaid Diagrams

DocFx supports Mermaid diagrams, which are a simple way to create diagrams in markdown. Here is an example:

graph TD;

This will render as:

graph TD;

More Examples

flowchart TD
%% Nodes
    A("fab:fa-youtube Starter Guide")
    B("fab:fa-youtube Make Flowchart")
    n1@{ icon: "fa:gem", pos: "b", h: 24}
    C("fa:fa-book-open Learn More")
    D{"Use the editor"}
    n2(Many shapes)@{ shape: delay}
    E(fa:fa-shapes Visual Editor)
    F("fa:fa-chevron-up Add node in toolbar")
    G("fa:fa-comment-dots AI chat")
    H("fa:fa-arrow-left Open AI in side menu")
    I("fa:fa-code Text")
    J(fa:fa-arrow-left Type Mermaid syntax)

%% Edge connections between nodes
    A --> B --> C --> n1 & D & n2
    D -- Build and Design --> E --> F
    D -- Use AI --> G --> H
    D -- Mermaid js --> I --> J

%% Individual node styling. Try the visual editor toolbar for easier styling!
    style E color:#FFFFFF, fill:#AA00FF, stroke:#AA00FF
    style G color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#00C853
    style I color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#2962FF, fill:#2962FF

%% You can add notes with two "%" signs in a row!

To create your own diagrams, you can use

Mermaid has so many features, so if you love it, best check out the official docs.


  1. Supported since ca. 2022