The docs as explained here are used in multiple projects, but documented only once for better maintenance. When applying this to other projects, remember that some things such as the name, repository, or paths are a bit different.
Docs: Technical Implementation
This is a technical documentation about how the documentation system works. It helps the core team understand how to maintain and enhance the documentation system.
It's not meant for most contributors, as it's too technical.
The documentation is built with DocFX.
When compiling, it will take the C# code and the markdown files and merge them together...
...and create a static HTML documentation which can be hosted anywhere - often on GitHub pages.
The Parts that Make it Work
Since this is a large documentation it needs a bit more than just the standard DocFX setup. Here is an overview as to what is really implemented:
DocFX will build everything based on the configuration in
➡️ ConfigurationC# Code Docs generation and Merging with additional docs is very sophisticated.
➡️ C# Code DocsJavaScript Code Docs generation and Merging with additional docs is a beast! ➡️ JavaScript Code Docs
The Templates generate everything, add JS and much more
➡️ TemplatesWe have some custom magic to improve the C# API TOC
➡️ TOC CustomizationsThe
has TypeScript and SASS which is compiled with WebPack to the/public
➡️ see TypeScript, CSS, WebPack CustomizationsWe also have a neat trick to inline SVGs in the HTML TODO: @iJungleboy (explain, needs 'svg' class, etc.)
We implemented a special find Permalink-System for linking to deep docs
➡️ Find Permalink SystemMost projects also support version-switching, so you can switch between versions of the documentation TODO: @iJungleboy
History of this Docs Setup
Note: we only started documenting this in 2024-12, so it's incomplete.
Reduced Time-To-Redirect on XREF to 1 Second
Previously the time to redirect was 3 seconds. We reduced it to 1 second.
Changed: 2024-12-12, @iJungleboy
Made API-Docs TOC Sidebar not Wrap
Added the api-toc-sidebar-menus.scss
to prevent the API-Docs TOC from wrapping.
Changed: 2024-12-12, @iJungleboy
Added SVG helpers for colored logos
Added some JavaScripts to inline SVGs on img
tags with the class svg
This helps for both the logo and images added like this,
so that they will be inlined and behave according to the CSS.
It's especially useful when the SVG uses currentColor
in it's own CSS.
Changed: 2024-12-10, @iJungleboy
Created Attribution System
We created an attribution system to show who wrote which part of the documentation.
Changed: ca. 2024-12-05, @iJungleboy
Standardized Entire Setup
We put all customizations and docs-instructions in the 2sxc
docs only,
to consolidate everything from 2sxc, Oqtane, RazorBlade and cre8magic.
- Everything shared is now in
- The
is now the only place for project-specific customizations
Changed: 2024-12-05, @iJungleboy
, @tvatavuk
Added Gallery Feature
We created the <div gallery="name"><!-- img list --></div>
feature to create galleries
with previews etc.
Changed: ca. 2024-12-01, @iJungleboy
Added Lightbox with Fancybox
We added the Fancybox lightbox to the system, so that images can be opened in a lightbox.
Changed: ca. 2024-11, @iJungleboy
Added Razor/Blazor Syntax Coloring
We added the Razor/Blazor syntax coloring to the system, so that code can be colored.
Changed: ca. 2024-06, @tvatavuk