Table of Contents

The docs as explained here are used in multiple projects, but documented only once for better maintenance. When applying this to other projects, remember that some things such as the name, repository, or paths are a bit different.

Structure of the Docs Projects

All the projects using this convention have the following folders / structure:

  1. api-docs/ - manually created docs for C# namespaces
  2. api-generated/ - autogenerated docs from the C# code XmlDocs
  3. assets/ - global / reused assets such as the favicon and main logos
    1. logos/
      1. v##/ - logos for specific versions
      2. vcurrrent/ - logos for the current version, used in layout etc.
    2. favicon.ico - favicon for the site
  4. pages/ - where all the content is created
    1. api/ - the index page for the API documentation
    2. some-topic/ - a topic with sub-pages
      1. assets/ - assets used in this topic
      2. some-sub-topic - a sub-topic
        1. assets/ - assets used in this sub-topic
    3. more-topics/...... (lots of topics here)
  5. shared/ - shared content like authors, images, etc.
    1. authors/ - author information for attribution
    2. .../ - shared/reusable snippets for !include statements
  6. templates/
    1. [project-name] - custom html / js / css for this project

This structure is quite flexible and can be adapted to our needs. This setup has proven solid and should not be changed without consulting with @iJungleboy.