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xUnit Theory Tests - Data-Driven

Important: If you only want to USE 2sxc / EAV, then you do NOT need this. This is meant for people who want to contribute to the source code of 2sxc and EAV.

Theory for Data-Driven Tests

Note that data-driven simply means that objects / lists of tests are run.

We are basically using the recommendations from

Example with InlineData

[InlineData(1, 2, 3)]
[InlineData(2, 3, 5)]
[InlineData(3, 4, 7)]
public void ShouldCalculateCorrectly(int a, int b, int expected)
  var result = a + b;
  Equal(expected, result);

Example with MemberData

This example uses [MemberData] to provide the data for the test.

using ToSic.Eav.Apps;
using ToSic.Eav.Testing;

namespace ToSic.Eav.ConfigurationOverride;

// TODO: These tests seem to not have worked for a long time
// Probably the setup isn't happening first.
// It appears that there should be some override settings which should be used as well, which are not applied here
// Needs some time to restore functionality

public class GlobalConfigurationOverride(IAppReaderFactory appReaderFactory)
    // the fixture will also load the resources
    : IClassFixture<DoFixtureStartup<ScenarioOverrideFancybox3>>
    public record TestData(string Name, Guid Guid, bool Expected);

    public static TheoryData<TestData> GenerateTests =>
        new("Fancybox4", new("3356ad17-91ce-4814-83c1-9f527697391a"), false),
        new("Fancybox3", new("4b9ef331-480a-4a38-86f1-a580f8345677"), true)

    private const string HtmlField = "Html";
    private const string TestStringInOverrideFancybox3 = "test-is-override";

    public void ResourceExistsOnce(TestData specs) =>

    // TODO: @STV - this seems to fail, it appears that the normal data isn't loaded, only system-custom ?
    /// <summary>
    /// This is quite a complex test
    /// - There is an entity in App_Data/system-custom with the same guid as the fancybox3 WebResource
    /// - It has an additional string containing "test-is-override"
    /// - On load, it should _replace_ the original item
    /// - and make sure it's used instead
    /// </summary>
    public void ResourceHtmlContainsText(TestData specs)
        var html = GetEntitiesOfGuid(specs.Guid).First().GetTac<string>(HtmlField);
        Equal(specs.Expected, html.Contains(TestStringInOverrideFancybox3));

    private List<IEntity> GetEntitiesOfGuid(Guid resourceGuid)
        var primaryApp = appReaderFactory.GetSystemPreset();

        // Verify there is only one with this guid
        var entities = primaryApp.List
            .Where(e => e.EntityGuid == resourceGuid)
        return entities;