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JSON Metadata V1

JSON Data can

  1. be Metadata for something. The target reference is stored in the For object.
  2. have Metadata which is stored in the Metadata object.

👉 Read more about Metadata.

For Information

The For is optional and is only specified if this entity is Metadata for something. It gives it the target Reference.

This is the structure of the For object

  • For object optional, metadata target reference
    • Target - string name describing the target type as the name is specified in the DB. We don't use the number but the string, in case the number is different on another system
    • Number - the number key optional, only if the key is a number
    • String - the string key optional, only if the key is a string
    • Guid - the guid key optional, only if the key is a guid

Example of a Field-Metadata

  "_": { "V": 1 },
  "Entity": {
    "Id": 423,
    "Version": 1,
    "Guid": "82bdcdc9-ff37-40e5-8a5c-340a7864c325",
    "Type": { "Name": "@All", "Id": "@All" },
    "Attributes": {
      "String": { "Name": { "*": "Street" } },
      "Entity": {
        "Calculations": { "*": [] },
        "Errors": { "*": [] },
        "Warnings": { "*": [] }
    "For": { "Target": "EAV Field Properties", "Number": 244 }

Metadata Items

If something has Metadata, it will be included in the Metadata object. This is an array. The Metadata items are built just like an Entity except that it cannot have a For - since the target is already defined.

Example - Extract of a Content-Type with Fields having Metadata

  "_": { "V": 1 },
  "ContentType": {
    "Id": "3de8e971-9e76-4d77-beda-f754e7b056bd",
    "Name": "Content with Preview",
    "Scope": "2SexyContent",
    "Description": "Content with Preview",
    "Attributes": [
        "Name": "Title",
        "Type": "String",
        "InputType": "string-default",
        "IsTitle": true,
        "Metadata": [
            "Id": 447,
            "Version": 1,
            "Guid": "859745e4-6064-45f1-b96e-35226f6505e9",
            "Type": { "Name": "@All", "Id": "@All" },
            "Attributes": {
              "String": { "Name": { "*": "Title" } },
              "Entity": {
                "Calculations": { "*": [] },
                "Errors": { "*": [] },
                "Warnings": { "*": [] }
        "Name": "Body",
        "Type": "String",
        "InputType": "string-wysiwyg",
        "IsTitle": false,
        "Metadata": [
            "Id": 448,
            "Version": 1,
            "Guid": "f887914e-371b-4c2c-862d-1ad572a9ce5a",
            "Type": { "Name": "@All", "Id": "@All" },
            "Attributes": {
              "String": {
                "DefaultValue": { "*": "<p> </p>" },
                "Name": { "*": "Body" },
                "Notes": { "*": "" }
              "Entity": {
                "Calculations": { "*": [] },
                "Errors": { "*": [] },
                "Warnings": { "*": [] }
              "Boolean": {
                "Required": { "*": false },
                "VisibleInEditUI": { "*": true }
            "Id": 449,
            "Version": 1,
            "Guid": "6a01df48-483e-471e-a4a9-3b7c760bbe44",
            "Type": { "Name": "@String", "Id": "@String" },
            "Attributes": {
              "String": {
                "DropdownValues": { "*": "" },
                "InputType": { "*": "wysiwyg" }
              "Number": { "RowCount": { "*": 1.0 } }
    "Metadata": []

Special note about Target

In all long-term uses of Metadata (like for export/import or in item history) the target is a string. In short-term use like simple WebAPI calls the Target can be the number.

Read also


  1. Added in 2sxc 9.4