Table of Contents

JSON Value (Multilanguage) V1

JSON based entities are items which are stored as JSON. This is used in the history, in dynamic-entities in the DB and more.

Attributes/Properties have one or move values depending on how they are translated, so the Value is always an Dictionary (object of keys/values).


This example is showing part of a JSON. Most of it has been removed to just focus on the values:

  "_": {
    "V": 1
  "Entity": {
    "//1": "Stuff skipped in this example",
    "Attributes": {
      "String": {
        "Description": {
          "*": "Retrieve full list of all zones"
        "Name": {
          "en-US": "Zones",
          "de-DE": "Zonen"
    "//2": "More stuff skipped for this example"

Value Format Explained

  • _ (header) mainly storing the version, in case we have to introduce a breaking change - see also format v1
  • Entity - this marks an entity - at the moment a json package should only have 1, but later it could contain more
    • Attributes - the values of this entity
      • String - all the string values; optional, only exists if there are string values
        • [the field name]
          • [the languages this value applies to]
            • [the value]
          • [more languages / values]
        • [more fields / languages / values]
      • [next type] - all the boolean values; optional, only exists if there are boelean values

Language Codes

The keys of the dictionary determine what language is used and how.

  • if the key is * then this value applies to all languages
  • if the key is a culture code like en-us (always lower case) it applies to that language
  • if the value is shared with multiple languages you'll see keys like en-us,de-de
  • if the value is shared but read-only in some languages the read-only-languages are prefixed with a ~ so you'll see en-us,~de-de

This can of course extend over many languages, so keys like en-us,de-de,de-ch,~ar-ae are valid.

Entity Relationship Fields

Note that entity-relationship fields cannot be multi-language, so it's always mapped to * and contains an array of references:

  "_": { "V": 1 },
  "Entity": {
    "//1": "Stuff skipped in this example",
    "Attributes": {
      "String": { "Name": { "en-us": "Street" } },
      "Entity": {
        "Calculations": { "*": [] },
        "Errors": { "*": [] },
        "Warnings": { "*": [] }
    "//2": "More stuff skipped for this example"

Read also


  1. Added in 2sxc 9.4