Table of Contents

Your Custom Platform - Scenario #1 - Read EAV Data

This is part of the Integration Guide for integrating EAV or 2sxc into your own solution.


You can find this fully implemented in the Integration\BasicEav01 project.

Search for #2sxcIntegration in the code to find all the things that were adjusted to get it to work.

Scope of Scenario #1 - Read EAV Data

In Scenario #1 we will setup a basic system. This is the foundation for more enhanced scenarios.


  1. Can read / get EAV Data from an existing Dnn or Oqtane Database
  2. Has a dummy IUser implementation which says the user is always a SystemAdmin
  3. Can see Insights to see what's happening internally and to verify everything is ok

Integration Overview for Basic Read-From-Existing-DB Scenarios

To Integrate EAV and 2sxc into your system, these are the core things you must do:

  1. Add necessary DLLs
  2. Copy all relevant files core files like App_Data
  3. Integrate into your Dependency Injection
  4. Do StartUp configuration as needed
  5. Test / Verify you can Read Data

1. Add Minimal DLLs

For the first scenario, we need the main ToSic.Eav.* DLLs (no 2sxc DLLs needed):

  1. Apps
  2. Core
  3. DataSources
  4. ImportExport
  5. Persistence.Efc
  6. Repository.Efc

You can add these manually, reference them or whatever.

2. Copy Important Data to Your Target

The EAV loads important data from the file system when it starts. This data contains Content-Types and basic configuration which is necessary to work.

In the basic implementation, you need the App_Data folder to be copied to the right location, which must be available at runtime.


The App_Data folder does not need to be accessible from outside.

You may copy the App_Data manually, or automate it on build.

The following script is used in the BasicEav01 project on build (adjust it to your needs):

@Echo Configuration='$(Configuration)'
@Echo StartWith ='$(Configuration.StartsWith('Debug'))'
@Echo Platform ='$(Platform)'
@Echo ProjectDir '$(ProjectDir)'
@SET BuildTarget=$(ProjectDir)sys-2sxc
@Echo BuildTarget '%BuildTarget%'

@REM Copy the data folders
robocopy /mir "$(ProjectDir)..\..\Data\.data\ " "%BuildTarget%\.data\ "

3. Integrate into your Dependency Injection

The EAV and 2sxc need Dependency Injection to work. As of now (2022-02) we use the .net Standard 2.1 DI.


The example below also registers the IntUser which is the Integration-implementation of the IUser. To see the code of that, just check out the example code in the project.

3.1 General Principles

The general principle is as follows:

  1. At StartUp you'll either
    1. use the existing IServiceCollection like in the Oqtane examples
    2. or create a new ServiceCollection() like in the Dnn examples
  2. You'll later have custom services for your platform only, these should be added in an own method like AddSxcYourPlatform in your own static class
  3. Once you need these objects, you'll get a IServiceProvider from the framework or create your own, sometimes creating an own scope

This would be a minimal StartUp taken from BasicEav01:

/// <summary>
/// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
/// </summary>
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
  // #2sxcIntegration
  // Register our Always-Super-User (to allow Insights to be used)
  services.TryAddTransient<IUser, IntUser>();
  // Enable all of EAV

  // RazorPages - standard .net core MVC feature

3.2 Various DI Scenarios

Your project may already use DI, or it may not. Here are the common scenarios you will probably have:

3.2.1 DI Scenario #1 - No Dependency Injection

This scenario is common in classic .net Framework and WebForms projects which are a bit older. We assume nobody will actually be needing this much, so we won't explain this in detail. Your work will basically consist of

  1. At Startup, create a new DI and store it somewhere (see DNN samples to see how this can be done)
  2. When you use it, make sure you get the IServiceProvider - probably in an own Scope per request and module

3.2.2 DI Scenario #2 - .net Core Dependency Injection

This scenario is common in new Core projects. It already has Dependency Injection setup, and all you need to do is use the existing one. For this scenario, best see how it's done in Oqtane

4. Do StartUp Configuration

Some aspects of EAV & 2sxc are super important that they are configured before anything starts. These are the required ones as of 2022-02:

  1. The database ConnectionString required to connect to the EAV DB
  2. GlobalFolder of the distributed 2sxc files containing things like the App_Data subfolder - required to load initial configurations and initial data
  3. Call StartUp on the SystemLoader which you must get from DI

This is the working code taken from BasicEav01:

/// <summary>
/// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
/// </summary>
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
  // ----- Start EAV stuff #2sxcIntegration -----
  var serviceProvider = app.ApplicationServices;
  // Set Connection String
  serviceProvider.Build<IDbConfiguration>().ConnectionString = _connStringFromConfig;

  // Set global path where it will find the .data folder
  var globalConfig = serviceProvider.Build<IGlobalConfiguration>();
  globalConfig.GlobalFolder = Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "sys-2sxc");

  // Trigger start where the data etc. will be loaded & initialized
  // ----- End EAV stuff #2sxcIntegration -----

  // ...

5. Test and Verify

If you did everything right, you can now run your code and access data from the App Cache using code like this (see demo on the ShowEavData.cshtml):

@using ToSic.Eav.Apps
@inject IAppStates AppStates
  ViewData["Title"] = "First Read Data from EAV";

  // Adjust these values to your testing environment
  var zoneId = 2;
  var appId = 78;

  var appState = AppStates.Get(new AppIdentity(zoneId, appId));
  var firstItem = appState.List.FirstOrDefault();

Common Problems

  1. If the folder to the App_Data isn't quite correct, you will have a long loading time and then a stack overflow

5. Get Insights WebApi to Work

The Insights will help you figure out what parts you need to implement. It will show you what services were requested which are not implemented yet, and will show you what code was used.

  1. Create your minimal InsightsController as you see in the demo project
  2. Register the routes using whatever system you have ATM (.net core, Framework)
  3. Test the routes to see things are coming out

Minimal InsightsController

You can review the code of the InsightsController in the Controllers folder in the project. It's basically just a simple controller with one Details(...) action.

Activate it in the StartUp.cs

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
  // ...

  app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

      // #2sxcIntegration - enable insights controllers

Test by calling https://localhost:44384/api/sxc/sys/Insights/Help - replace the base path as needed.


Once the insights work, you can also see what objects were used in a fallback/unknown implementation.


  • Proof of Concept implemented with 2sxc 11 in 2021
  • Finalized when integrating Oqtane in 2sxc 12
  • Updated docs for basic Scenario for v13.03