Table of Contents

Dnn Platform

Dnn is the most popular open-source CMS platform on .net. It's been around since ca. 2001.

2sxc has been running on Dnn since it's inception in 2012.

Dnn and 2sxc Version Compatibilities

Dnn V. Best Compatible Incompatible Comments
9.6.1+ latest ✅ ca. v9 - latest ⛔ old versions changes to DI and .net 4.8
8.0 - 9.6 13.x LTS ✅ 9.x - 13.x ⛔ 14.00+
8.x 13.x LTS ✅ 9.x - 13.x ⛔ 14.00+
7.4.2+ 13.x LTS ✅ 7.x - 13.x ⛔ 14.00+
7.2+ 09.43 LTS ✅ 6.x - 09.43 ⛔ 10.00+
7.0 - 7.1 unknown ✅ 3.4 - 6.04 ⛔ 9.43+ very old versions
6.0 unknown ✅ 1.0 - ca. v4 ⛔ v4+ very old versions

Upgrade Path

We are very focused on making upgrades easy and pain-free. Here's what you need to know:

  1. You can upgrade 2sxc by installing the latest version on a system which already has 2sxc installed.
  2. If you have a version before 8.12, you must first upgrade to 8.12.
  3. In general when updating from v9 to v14 there are no expected problems.
  4. Before going to v14 you must be running DNN 9.6.1 or newer.
  5. In very rare cases you may be affected by breaking changes

Features currently not implemented

None, all 2sxc features are available in DNN.


  • 2sxc v1 was for Dnn 4 in 2012
  • 2sxc v7 - v13 all run on Dnn 7.4.2 up until the latest Dnn 9.x
  • 2sxc v14 requires Dnn 9.6.1 or newer