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Fix Breaking Change Logging in v15

Keywords: #Logging #DataSources

2sxc has a powerful logging system which tracks what happens in a structure that matches code calls. This was changed extensively.


This change should not affect any normal Razor / WebApi etc. code in any way.

It will only affect compiled code, or if you were using non-public APIs

Reason for Change

  1. We wanted to make this part of code more reusable and plan to publish a Nuget package. For this it must be a standalone component.
  2. There were various cases were the log could be null, which would result in errors just because of logging. We wanted to make sure that logging can never break the code.
  3. To make the logs match the call-stack, the log objects must be attached to each other. This always dependend on perfect programming, so we wanted it to be more robust.

History - How it Used to Work

Previously all this came from the following base interfaces / classes

  1. ToSic.Eav.Logging.ILog
  2. ToSic.Eav.Logging.Log
  3. ToSic.Eav.Logging.IHasLog
  4. ToSic.Eav.Logging.HasLog

Almost every relevant object in 2sxc inherited from these or implemented them.

In addition, the API to add logs was - just as an example:

Log.Add("Some message");

These methods were methods of ILog, so they were part of the object. If for some reason the Log object was null, this would result in an exception.

What we Changed

1. Move to ToSic.Lib.Core

In 2sxc 15 we introduced a new DLL ToSic.Lib.Core. It contains very fundamental parts such as Logging and Dependency Injection Helpers.

👉🏽 All classes now inherit from this. If you had any compiled code, it would need to be recompiled.

We then changed almost all logging commands to be Extension Methods. By doing this, we could make all calls null safe, so if the Log object is null, the call will not do anything.

This means, that calling anything on the Log object requires you to add the namespace ToSic.Lib.Logging:

using ToSic.Lib.Logging;

Log.A("some message);

2. New ICodeLog for Dynamic Code Logging

We believe that any Razor or WebApi should have a simpler logging mechanism which doesn't need much documentation or learning. Because of this, we created a new ICodeLog which still has very simple Add(...) methods.

This will be what the Log property of every Razor and WebApi will return. So they will not be ILog but ICodeLog.

This should also ensure that any apps which previously used Add(...) will continue to work.


  • Introduced ca. 2sxc 9
  • Completely reworked in 2sxc/eav 15