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Breaking Changes in EAV and 2sxc v19

Breaking Changes in EAV and 2sxc v19

We try to minimize breaking changes, and most breaking changes won't affect your work, because it's internal API. We're documenting it here to ensure you know what happened, in case you still run into this.


  1. ⬇️ An interface called ToSic.Sxc.DataSources.IBlockInstance was removed since it was identical to ToSic.Eav.DataSource.IDataSource and should not be used anywhere.
  2. ⬇️ Core objects like Entity, Attribute etc. were changed to record - this would only affect you if you inherited from them
  3. ⬇️ Cleanup internal APIs on an internal interface IEntityLight which is not public. Properties: Title, Attributes and this[...]
  4. ⚠️ Enhancement in the Pages DataSource - property renames Visible to IsNavigation and Clickable to IsClickable
  5. ⚠️ Enhancement to the Roles DataSource - renamed to UserRoles - breaking change!
  6. ⚠️ Renamed the system query System.Roles to System.UserRoles - breaking change!