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Content Security Policy (CSP) Best Practices

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security policy that helps you to protect your web application from cross-site scripting attacks.

There are many ways you can setup CSP, but it is easier if the entire setup is geared towards this goal.

JavaScript CSP Best Practices

JS: Avoid eval and other Stupid Stuff

This is fairly basic: don't use eval in your code.

JS: Avoid any JS in the Page

Any In-Page JS will either force you to use lax security rules or require a lot of whitelisting using nonce or hashes.

We recommend that you avoid this alltogether.

Place all your code in external JS files which are on the same server (rule: self). Then use turnOn to start the code.

turnOn will also help you pass parameters like the current ModuleId to the script, in case you need it.

CSP Configuration Best Practices

Use Comments to Document your CSP

In the Settings you can use comments with lines beginning with // to document your CSP. It will make your work easier and help others who make changes in the future.

// This will apply to all ...-src
all-src: 'self' https:

Use Multiple Lines

All rules will be merged in the end, so in many cases it's better to have rules on multiple lines.

// This is for the image gallery

// This is for jQuery

Use all-src

2sxc has a special all-src rule which you should use for 'self' or https: rules.

You should use these at global/site level, because it ensures that any further rules from Apps or other sources won't break your site.

Avoid 'nonce-...' and 'sha256-...' Policies

'nonce-...' and 'sha256-...' policies are great for allowing a specific inline bit of script or CSS.

But they have a huge side-effect: they automatically disable the 'unsafe-inline' rule.

Because of this, you should avoid using these policies, as most Dnn/Oqtane sites will have other scripts which are outside of your control, so you will typically need unsafe-inline.


If any of these policies are used, it automatically disables the 'unsafe-inline' rule. This is how CSP works.

Be as Local as Possible

Rules which should only be used in a specific App should be on that App, not on the site.

Rules which only apply to a specific razor page should ideally also be on that page only.

Production / Operations Reporting

Use a Reporting Server

Even if you think you're done, make sure to setup a reporting server. You can get free system from Report-URI. This will allow you to monitor if your site is being compromised - or if you forgot to set some rules, which result in the site breaking.