Table of Contents

Content Security Policy (CSP) Directives

The Content-Security-Policy value is made of directives separated by a semicolon. The 2sxc Csp configuration does the separation for us, as each rule is on an own line.

Common Security Directives

These are the most relevant to configure security:

Directive Description
all-src This directive is unique to 2sxc. It defines allowed resources like the default-src directive. The difference is that all source directives (even if already specified) will inherit the set values on all-src.
default-src Defines the allowed resources such for fetching JavaScript, Images, CSS, Fonts, AJAX requests, Frames, HTML5 Media. It serves as a fallback for unset directives.
style-src Defines the allowed <style> sources
script-src Defines the allowed <script> sources
img-src Defines the allowed <img> sources
font-src Defines the allowed font sources
form-action Defines the allowed form target urls
media-src Defines the allowed <audio> and <video> sources
object-src Defines plugin sources <object>, <embed> and <applet>
upgrade-insecure-requests Treats http resources as https

There are actually many more, such as worker-src or base-uri. See all possible directives in the MDN docs.

Common Reporting Directives

Both of these directives define the reporting endpoint for CSP violations.