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Content Security Policy (CSP) Sources

The Content-Security-Policy value is made of directives with specify a source.

These are the most relevant. Note that special keywords such as '*' or 'self' must be enclosed in single quotes '.:

Source Description
'*' Wildcard – Allows any URL except data
'none' Prevents loading from any source
'self' Allows loading from same origin (scheme, host, port) –
data: Allows loading data resources Allows loading resources from the specified domain (
* Allows loading resources from any subdomain from the specified domain ( Allows loading resources from the specified domain only over https
https: Allows loading resources over https
'unsafe-inline' Allows use of inline source attributes (style, onclick…)
'unsafe-eval' Allows unsafe dynamic code evaluation (eval() in JS)
'sha256-H4shV41ue' Allows inline execution if it matches the hash in the header
'nonce-r4nd0mV41ue' Allows inline execution of tags that match the nonce attribute
'strict-dynamic' Allows trusted scripts to load other scripts
'unsafe-hashes' Allows enabling scripts in event handlers. (not href="javascript:..." or inline <script> tags)

Also check out the MDN sources docs