Table of Contents

Namespace ToSic.Eav.DataSource





Marks an attribute of a DataSource as a Configuration attribute. This means that the internal system which loads configurations from a config-entity will automatically retrieve the value as specified.

Note that


  • [ConfigurationData] - simple case, just get it from configuration, no fallback
  • [ConfigurationData(Fallback = True)]

Very lightweight DataSource base for data sources which are very simple and convention based.


The base class for all DataSources, especially custom DataSources. It must always be inherited. It provides a lot of core functionality to get configurations, ensure caching and more.

Important: in most cases you will inherit the CustomDataSource DataSource for custom data sources.


The base class for all DataSources, especially custom DataSources. It must always be inherited. It provides a lot of core functionality to get configurations, ensure caching and more.

Important: in most cases you will inherit the CustomDataSource DataSource for custom data sources.


Various constants typically used in/for DataSources.


An Errors-helper which is automatically available on all DataSourceBase objects.

It helps create a stream of standardized error entities.



Public interface for an Eav DataSource. All DataSource objects are based on this.


This helps a data source get configured. It manages all the properties which the data source will want to look up, as well as the LookUp engine which will perform the token resolution


WIP interface to create one or many sources which can be attached when creating a new sources


This interface marks objects which can provide links to DataSources. In most cases, the link references the data source itself.

The returned link will point to one or more DataSources, and can be extended to contain more links. This is important to connect DataSources together.


Represents a DataStream object. This is a stream of IEntity objects, which has a source and a name. A stream can be read from, and it can be attached to upstream data-sources for further processing.


Marks a special IDataSource which is a query. It has an underlying ToSic.Eav.DataSource.Internal.Query.QueryDefinition and Params which can be modified by code before running the query.