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Enum TargetTypes


Metadata targets specific things, and the TargetTypes determines what kind of thing this is.

public enum TargetTypes


[DocsWip("Apps (3). Used to give Apps additional properties.")] App = 3

App metadata (3). Used to give Apps additional properties.

[DocsWip("Attributes / Fields (2). This is used to store configuration like the field label, amount-of-rows, etc.")] Attribute = 2

Metadata of attributes / fields (2). This is used to store configuration like the field label, amount-of-rows, etc.

[DocsWip("CMS Items (10) such as files, folders, etc.")] CmsItem = 10

Item / Object of the Platform, like a File or Folder etc. (10)

[DocsWip("Content-Types (5)")] ContentType = 5

Metadata of a content-type / data-schema (5). Used to give it a description etc.

[DocsWip("Custom #0 (90) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom = 90

Custom target (90). This is what you should use for basic apps which have a custom target that's none of the other defaults.

[DocsWip("Custom #1 (91) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom1 = 91

Custom target (91). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #2 (92) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom2 = 92

Custom target (92). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #3 (93) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom3 = 93

Custom target (93). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #4 (94) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom4 = 94

Custom target (94). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #5 (95) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom5 = 95

Custom target (95). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #6 (96) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom6 = 96

Custom target (96). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #7 (97) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom7 = 97

Custom target (97). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #8 (98) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom8 = 98

Custom target (98). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Custom #9 (99) - Use for whatever you want.")] Custom9 = 99

Custom target (99). Use this for basic apps which need multiple different custom targets (advanced, rare use case)

[DocsWip("Dimensions (8)")] Dimension = 8

Dimension Metadata (8) - for languages and similar data-dimensions

[DocsWip("Entities (4) - decorates Entities")] Entity = 4

Metadata of entities / data-items (4). This lets us enhance entities with additional information.

[DocsWip("Modules (16)")] Module = 16

A Module - like a module containing some content (16)

[DocsWip("(none) / not Metadata - Things that are not used as Metadata (1). This is the default for most Entities.")] None = 1

Things that are not used as Metadata (1). This is the default for most Entities.

[DocsWip("Pages (13)")] Page = 14

A Page - like the current page (14)

[DocsWip("Scopes (7)")] Scope = 7

Scope metadata (7) - for data-scopes like "System" or "System-Configuration" etc.

[DocsWip("Sites (12)")] Site = 12

A Site - like the current site (12)

[DocsWip("System (11)")] System = 11

The entire system / platform - so Metadata for the current Dnn/Oqtane installation (11).

[DocsWip("Users (18)")] User = 18

A User - like the admin-user (18)

[DocsWip("Zones (6)")] Zone = 6

Zone metadata (6) - used to give a Zone additional information. Only used in very special cases, best not use.