Namespace ToSic.Sxc.Code.Generate
- GenerateConstants
Constants used in the code generation process.
- GeneratedFile
Represents a generated file. It's usually provided in a IGeneratedFileSet, which contains additional specs.
- GeneratedFileSet
WIP - should contain a list of code-files and additional specs
- IFileGenerator
Describes a file generator which can generate (code) files.
- IFileGeneratorSpecs
Specs for a file generator.
An object containing these specs - and sometimes more - is passed to the file generator.
- IGeneratedFile
Data which is meant to create a new file. The file will usually be saved directly to the file system of the App.
This is WIP - goal is to make it more standard so others could create generators too.
- IGeneratedFileInfo
Data which describes a code file which will be created or may already exist.
It's used as the foundation for IGeneratedFile but also to reference dependencies to other files created or which should be created in tandem.
- IGeneratedFileSet
Set of code files to generate, including some information about the generator.