2sxc .net API Docs
This that will probably interest you the most.
Recommended Base Classes for Razor / C# / Api Controllers
- RazorTyped for hybrid Razor
- ApiTyped for hybrid WebAPIs
- CodeTyped for hybrid shared C# code
- DataSource16 for custom DataSources
Most used Services and Context Information
- Service Kit: Kit of Typed Code and Kit of Razor14
- ToSic.Sxc.Services - all the services you will usually use
- ToSic.Sxc.Context - all context info, like the current page and url-parameters
Most important Data-Objects
- ITypedItem - for all the data objects in RazorTyped
- ToSic.Sxc.Data - namespace for all 2sxc Data
- IFolder, IFile and ToSic.Sxc.Adam for working with files
Note About Internal APIs
Note also that the real code of EAV/2sxc/Dnn has way more stuff, but that's inofficial.
Please don't use objects that are not documented here - or they are explicitly on an .Internal
That allows us to improve the architecture without worrying about breaking your code.
Once we're really sure that certain parts are very final, we'll publish the API docs for those parts.
Advanced Topics
Background: Architecture of Eav, Sxc, Dnn
If you really care, please get familiar with the architecture - it helps a 👍🏼
Programming with DataSources and VisualQuery
All the DataSources are based on IDataSource. You can find most of them in ToSic.Eav.DataSources .