Table of Contents

SQL-Stored Content-Types

This section explains SQL-Stored Content-Types. For an overview check out Understanding Data....

Usually Content-Types are stored in the database as part of the App they were defined in.

This is how they are stored:

  1. A table contains the primary entry with StaticName (usually a GUID) and the nice Name - the one you give it.
  2. Other tables list the fields of this Content-Type and assigns them to the Type
  3. Description of the Content-Type is Metadata - so it's also a multi-lingual Entity which is stored in the App
  4. Descriptions of the Fields are also Metadata - so it's also a multi-lingual Entity which is stored in the App

Nice to Know

  1. For advanced scenarios you can also share Content-Types across Apps
  2. In even more advanced scenarios you can use file based Content-Types


  1. Added in 2sxc 1.0