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Data Object API Differences

2sxc has changed a lot over time. So you'll find old code snippets and new ones, and it helps to see which one is being used. Sometimes you'll also want to convert old code to new code, and this page should help you with that.


This is about Data Objects - the objects which contain the data you're working with.

So DynamicEntities, TypedItems and Strong-Typed Custom Data Models.


🎓 Best check out the tutorial QuickRef which shows all this!

What are Data Objects?

Internally 2sxc leverages a system called EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) which is a very flexible way to store data. The underlying data type is called an IEntity, but it's difficult to work with.

Because of this, 2sxc provides simpler objects to work with, specifically these:

  • Dynamic Entities - a dynamic object which can contain any data - older Razor up until Razor14
  • Typed Items - a strong-typed object which contains data - RazorTyped and later (v16+)
  • Strong-Typed Custom Data Models - a strong-typed object which contains data - RazorTyped and later (v17.03+)

To understand this better, imagine that the EAV system delivers IEntity objects to the Razor / C#. Each Razor provides simple methods such as AsDynamic(...) or AsItem(...) to convert/wrap them to the simpler objects.

Show / Get Built-In Properties

Standard properties are things like Id, Guid, Title, Created, Modified etc.

Dynamic Typed Strong Typed
dyn.EntityId itm.Id itm.Id
dyn.EntityGuid itm.Guid itm.Guid
dyn.EntityTitle itm.Title itm.Title

TODO: IsDemoItem, IsPublished, Created, Modified etc.

TODO: Type name etc.

Show / Output Values from Items

The following example assumes that you have an dyn or itm object containing various properties such as Name or Birthday. The objects themselves could be from the primary items (eg var dyn = Content; or var itm = MyItem;) but they could also come from loops, queries, etc.

Dynamic Typed Strong Typed
type unknown / dynamic
type object
type known
dyn.Name (dynamic) itm.String("Name") itm.String("Name")
dyn.IsGreen (dynamic) itm.Bool("IsGreen") (bool) itm.IsGreen (bool)
itm.Bool("IsGreen") (bool)
dyn.Birthday (dynamic) itm.DateTime("Birthday") (DateTime) itm.Birthday (DateTime)
itm.DateTime("Birthday") (DateTime)
(dyn.Birthday as DateTime).Year itm.DateTime("Birthday").Year itm.Birthday.Year (int)
itm.DateTime("Birthday").Year (int)

Number Values

When working with numbers, the following is important:

  • in Dynamic mode, all numbers are always returned as decimal since it's the most precise
  • in Typed mode, you can specify the type you want, and it will be converted if possible
  • in Strong Typed mode, the type is defined in the generated Data-Model, and you can't change it
Dynamic Typed Strong Typed
dyn.Weight itm.Int("Weight") itm.Weight (see data model)
dyn.Weight itm.Double("Weight") itm.Weight (see data model)
dyn.Weight itm.Float("Weight") itm.Weight (see data model)
dyn.Weight itm.Decimal("Weight") itm.Weight (see data model)

In Dynamic, property names are not case sensitive. In Typed .String(name) etc. property names are case sensitive. So dyn.weight and itm.Int("WEIGHT") will work.

In Strong Typed, the property names are defined in the data model, and are case sensitive.


When simply showing data in HTML, the exact type is not super important as the Razor engine will convert it to a string anyway. The differences become much more important when you want to do a bit more in your code.

This is why it's really ok to just do @itm.Get("FirstName").
But var name = itm.String("FirstName") + " " + itm.String("LastName"); is much better.

HTML Values

Creating HTML from data entered by the editor can be dangerous, as it could contain malicious code such as script or unexpected iframe tags. So just showing data will automatically encode it, so it's safe to show. To show HTML when you need it - eg. from a WYSIWYG editor, these are the APIs:

  • Dynamic
    • @dyn.Description - show HTML as text
    • @Html.Raw(dyn.Description) - show HTML as HTML
  • Typed
    • @itm.String("Description") - show HTML as text
    • @Html.Raw(itm.String("Description")) - show HTML as HTML
    • @itm.Html("Description") - show HTML as HTML, automatically adding a toolbar (more parameters can change the behavior)
  • Strong Typed
    • @itm.Description - show HTML as text
    • @Html.Raw(itm.Description) - show HTML as HTML
    • @itm.Html("Description") - show HTML as HTML, automatically adding a toolbar (more parameters can change the behavior)

Internally links can be stored as the real link ( or as a file:123 reference to a file in the system. When showing links, you'll usually want to convert these to a real link, and this is how you do it:

  • Dynamic
    • @dyn.Link - link as URL, so file:72 will be converted to the real URL
    • @dyn.Get("Link", convertLinks: false) - link as string, without auto-conversion
  • Typed
    • @itm.Url("Link") - link as URL, so file:72 will be converted to the real URL
    • @itm.String("Link") - link as string, without auto-conversion
  • Strong Typed
    • @itm.Link - link as URL, so file:72 will be converted to the real URL
    • @itm.String("Link") - link as string, without auto-conversion

Images and Pictures

Very often you will want to use a link to create an img or a picture tag. If you want to do it manually, you can always use the properties as described in the previous section.

<img src='@itm.Url("Image")' alt='@itm.String("ImageAlt")' />

Usually you will prefer to use built in APIs/Services to do this.

  • Dynamic
    • @Kit.Image.Img(dyn, "Pic") - create an img; auto-resize and toolbar
    • @Kit.Image.Picture(dyn, "Pic") - create a picture; auto-resize and toolbar
  • Typed
    • @itm.Img("Pic") - create an img; auto-resize and toolbar
    • @itm.Picture("Pic") - create a picture; auto-resize and toolbar
  • Strong Typed
    • @itm.Img("Pic") - create an img; auto-resize and toolbar
    • @itm.Picture("Pic") - create a picture; auto-resize and toolbar

Note that the Img and Picture methods have more parameters to specify what you want.

Files and Folders of an Item (ADAM)

When using Hyperlink/File fields, you may want to get the file which is referenced (instead of the link.) In some situations it can even contain many files, or even sub folders.

System is called ADAM - Automatic Digital Asset Management.

  • Dynamic
    • AsAdam(dyn as object, "Pic").Files.First() - get a file in the field Pic
    • AsAdam(dyn as object, "Pic") - get a folder on the item
  • Typed
    • itm.File("Pic") - get a file in the field Pic
    • itm.Folder("Pic") - get a folder on the item
  • Strong Typed
    • itm.PicFile - get a file in the field Pic
    • itm.PicFolder - get a folder on the item

Children and Parents

Related data is either children (when the current item has a field with reference to other items) or parents (when other items reference the current item).

  • Dynamic
    • @dyn.Publisher.Name - show the name of the child Publisher
    • @(dyn.Authors as IEnumerable<dynamic>).Count() - show the number of children
  • Typed
    • @itm.Children("Authors").Count() - show the number of children
    • @itm.Child("Publisher").String("Name") - show the name of the child Publisher
  • Strong Typed
    • @itm.Publisher.Name - show the name of the child Publisher
    • @itm.Authors.Count() - show the number of children

For the strong-typed version, the property names are defined in the data model. The exact type returned and if it's a list or single item depends on the field configuration.