C# WebApi Base Controller Classes
Every Custom C# WebApi Controller inherits from a base class. depending on the base class, the APIs and features in the template will change.
This is basically identical with the C# base classes , just with slightly different names.
Because of this, we're not repeating the entire text here, but just listing the class names.
Typed / Strong-Typed for v16+
These are the recommended Typed C# base classes to inherit today:
- new in v16
Older Base Classes (Dynamic)
These are the older - Dynamic base classes - not recommended for new development, but still supported for backwards compatibility.
- new in v14Custom.Hybrid.Api12
- new in v12Custom.Dnn.Api12
- v12; same as Hybrid, but withDnn
C# WebApi Controllers Classes Which Don't Inherit
If you don't specify a base class, the class will behave as a standard, new class. This will probably just not work.