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AsEntity(...) - Get the Underlying Data

In most Razor and WebAPIs you will prefer to use Dynamic Entities allowing you to easily write code like @Content.FirstName. But in rare cases where you have a IDynamicEntity and want to access the real underlying IEntity in it's full complexity. This is where AsEntity(...) is used.

⚡ The official API docs.


AsEntity(...) reverses what AsDynamic(...) does.

If you have an object or you're not sure if it's either an IEntity or a IDynamicEntity, just pass it to AsEntity(...) and it will detect either one.

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Example: Type Information

The Dynamic Entity has a property EntityType but this will only return a name like Person. If you need the full Content-Type definition, this is what you would do:

// assume that person is a Dynamic Entity
var personTypeName = person.EntityType; // string
var personType = AsEntity(person).Type; // Will return the IContentType

Example: Language Information

If you want to really check in the code, what languages have been translated. This is very sophisticated, but this is kind of how you would do it:

var personEntity = AsEntity(person);
var attrName = personEntity["Name"]; // this will return an IAttribute<string> object


  1. Introduced ca. in 2sxc 1
  2. Modified/added signatures in 2sxc 7