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@inherits Base Classes

Every Razor template inherits from a base class - and depending on that the features in the template will change.

Recommendation for v17+

These are the base classes you can inherit from as of v14 (we'll explain each in more detail below)

  1. Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped - new in v16
  2. Custom.Hybrid.RazorTyped<TModel> - new in v17.03
  3. AppCode.Razor.AppRazor - new in v17.03 - requires that you have this class in your AppCode folder
  4. AppCode.Razor.AppRazor<TModel> - new in v17.03 - requires that you have this class in your AppCode folder
  5. AppCode.Razor.Anything - new in v17.03 - requires that you have this class in your AppCode folder

Using these base classes ensures that you have the latest, typed APIs.

For older base classes and the differences, see Compare Razor @inherits