Razor: Rendering Content-Blocks
When using Inner Content the linked content-blocks (apps or pieces of content) must be rendered into the template. Here's how to do it in Razor.

We have an rich series of Razor tutorials. You should really check them out 👍.
How to use
There are two common use cases
- Virtual Panes at item level - in this case, the item has it's own pane for placing apps and content-blocks
- Very Rich Text - where you add content-blocks and apps in the WYSIWYG
Item-Level Virtual Panes
Here's a quick example which renders an area with all content-blocks:
@ToSic.Sxc.Block.Render.All(Content, field: "InnerContent")
This example creates the area for the content-blocks (important so that the UI appears for editors to add more blocks) and renders all existing content-blocks in the predefined order into that area.
Here's a more manual example of doing the same thing, but done manually to demonstrate what happens and to allow myself to add more css-classes:
<div class="some-class sc-content-block-list" @Edit.ContextAttributes(post, field: "DesignedContent")>
@foreach(var cb in @post.DesignedContent) {
If you care about doing it manually, read more about the Edit object.
Very Rich Text / Inner-Content
Here's an example how to merge content-blocks with a html-text which has placeholders for each content-block, allowing a mix of text/apps.
@ToSic.Sxc.Blocks.Render.All(post, field: "WysiwygContent", merge: post.Body)
There is a new parameter merge, where you fill in your WYSIWYG-field that contains the content-block(s).
Here is a blog tutorial on implementing Very Rich Text.
Read also
- Read more on Razor Edit.ContextAttributes
Demo App and further links
You should find some code examples in this demo App
- Introduced in 2sxc 8.4
- Clean API and merge capabilitien in 8.9