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Toolbar Builder Guide – Tweak API for Buttons new 15.07

Buttons can be tweaked to change their look and behavior.

Previously, this was done using parameters such as ui, parameters, prefill etc. Now, you can use the tweak API to do the same thing.


Using the tweak API is the recommended way to tweak buttons. It gives you compile time checking so it's less error-prone.


// Old way without tweak
Kit.Toolbar.Default().Add(ui: "color=green", parameters: new { app = 2, zone = 3 });

// New way with tweak - one example
Kit.Toolbar.Default().Add(tweak: b => b.Color("green").Parameters(new { app = 2, zone = 3 }));
// Or another example
Kit.Toolbar.Default().Add(tweak: b => b.Color("green").Parameters("app", 2).Parameters("zone", 3));

How it Works

Almost every command on the IToolbarBuilder has a tweak parameter. This parameter is a function which takes a ITweakButton and returns a new one. The ITweakButton itself has a functional API which allows you to chain multiple tweaks.

This means when you do this:

Kit.Toolbar.Default().Add(tweak: b => b.Color("green").Parameters("id", 93030))); says

  1. Take the button b
  2. Set the color to green
  3. Add the parameter id with the value 93030

Each command returns a fresh ITweakButton with the changes applied using the immutable pattern. So the final result is returned by the function and used by the toolbar builder.

Why a New API?

The new method achieves the same purpose as the old, and the old way will continue to work indefinitely.

But the advantages of the new API are:

  1. It's easier to document so it's also easier to discover the possibilities you have
  2. It's easier to use because it's more type-safe and less error-prone
  3. It's easier to extend - for example with the new note feature added in v15.07
  4. It's safer, for example the API will remove # characters in colors, which would otherwise cause problems

API Docs

Important to Know

  • You cannot mix the tweak API with the previous parameters.
    So if you use tweak on a button, you cannot also use ui or parameters etc.
  • The tweak API is a fluid API, so you can chain multiple tweaks together.
  • The tweak API is immutable, so every step returns a new object.
  • The tweak API is functional.

Issues / Challenges

The tweak API uses lambda expressions. This can cause problems with dynamic objects which are very common in Razor. If you don't know about dynamics you should briefly google it.

Basically the following code will cause issues:

// Note that Content is a dynamic object
Kit.Toolbar.Default(Content).New(tweak: b => b.Color("pink,black"))

This will result in a message like this:

...error CS1978: Cannot use an expression of type 'lambda expression' as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation at...

This means: because the initial part Kit.Toolbar.Default(Content) contains a dynamic parameter (Content), the compiler treats what comes after that as dynamic as well. So the following .New(...) is also treated as dynamic. This is usually not a problem, but the compiler will complain that the inner lambda b => b.Color("pink,black") can't be reliably compiled, since it could be anything.

For now, the best workaround is to do one of the following:

  • Tell the compiler that Content is an object
    Kit.Toolbar.Default(Content as object).New(tweak: b => b.Color("pink,black"))
  • Place the dynamic parameter at the end
    Kit.Toolbar.Default().New(tweak: b => b.Color("pink,black")).For(Content)

This is not ideal, and we're striving for improvements in future releases.


  1. Added in v15.07
