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Security & Permissions in Custom WebAPIs


This page explains how security is configured in custom WebAPI controllers.
But there is much more to security, so please read Security for 2sxc WebAPI and REST APIs as well.

Custom WebAPI Security is configured using Attributes.

These attributes can be placed on the class (in which case they apply to all actions/methods of that class) or on a specific method (in which case it only applies to that method).

This example will NOT respond to Anonymous requests from outside:

using System.Web.Http;

public class BasicController : ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.ApiController
  public string Hello()
    return "Hello from the basic controller in /api";

This example from the dnn web api tutorials will:

using System.Web.Http;

[AllowAnonymous]			// define that all commands can be accessed without a login
public class BasicController : ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.ApiController
  public string Hello()
    return "Hello from the basic controller in /api";

And this example as well:

using System.Web.Http;

public class BasicController : ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.ApiController
  [AllowAnonymous]			// only his command can be accessed without a login
  public string Hello()
    return "Hello from the basic controller in /api";

Common Security Attributes for Custom WebAPI Controllers

The exact set of attributes varies a bit on Dnn and Oqtane, but we're working on a unified set. As of now, these attributes are common in Dnn. You can apply all to both classes and methods:

  1. [AllowAnonymous]
    This allows non-identified users to use this endpoint.
    requires using System.Web.Http;
  2. [SupportedModules("2sxc,2sxc-app")]
    This says to only respond to requests if they originate from a 2sxc module or a 2sxc-app Module.
    Note that this will only work if the Module Context is known.
    requires using DotNetNuke.Web.Api;
  3. [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
    Verifies that the RequestVerificationToken in the header is valid. These requests will be blocked if the Anti-Forgery-Token is missing, invalid or is meant for another user.
    Note: this means such requests can only be called from a JS on a Dnn page
    requires DotNetNuke.Web.Api;
  4. [DnnModuleAuthorize(AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.Admin)]
    In place of the SecurityAccessLevel.Admin you can also use SecurityAccessLevel.Anonymous or other values.
    Note that this will only work if the Module Context is known.
    requires using DotNetNuke.Web.Api;

Common Other Attributes (HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpDelete)

These attributes [HttpGet], [HttpPost] and [HttpDelete] are not really security attributes, but because they often lead to problems we figured we should mention them. Adding these to your method means that your method will listen to the Verbs mentioned, and only to these verbs. So a method like this:

using System.Web.Http;

public class BasicController : ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.ApiController
  public string Hello()
    return "Hello from the basic controller in /api";

...will only respond to GET and DELETE requests, but not to POST.

Using Multiple Attributes

You can use many attributes on the same class or method like this:

  [DnnModuleAuthorize(AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.Admin)]
    return "Hello from the basic controller in /api";

In most cases it will do exactly what you expect - and each condition must be met for the command to process.

Common Mistakes

Combining HttpGet with ValidateAntiForgeryToken


Combining [HttpGet] and [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] will fail, as GET requests cannot add custom headers.

Deny Access at Class level and Allowing at Method Level


Class level attributes are handled first, and if these result in denying the request then method-level attributes won't be checked.

Using Context-Requiring-Attributes for External Access


Certain tags like [DnnModuleAuthorize(...)] or [SupportedModules(...)] require a context. If you plan to use the API from outside of the site (like from a mobile app) then those requests will not have the context, and fail.

Using ValidateAntiForgeryToken for External Access


Classes/methods decorated with [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] will require the token, which is only available for calls made by JavaScript on the page itself. If you plan to use the API from outside of the site (like from a mobile app) then those requests will fail.

Read also

You should find some code examples in this demo App


  1. These security features have been part of Dnn since ca. Dnn 6.0