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SysSettings JSON Data Formats - WIP!

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Internally there are a few cases where an object needs some special configuration which are called SysSettings. Examples:

  • The App object has a SysSettings which is used to control sharing across sites
  • Attributes (Fields/Properties) are planned to have SysSettings to control sharing their configuration WIP

App SysSettings

This is not documented ATM, you'll need to check the code

Attribute SysSettings WIP

This is based on new features we're working on as of 2023-10 - it's really not final!


Our goal is to enable central attribute definitions. This will allow a content-type to specify all attributes incl. configuration and help texts. Other ContentTypes can then have fields which share the definition of the original.



  • Mark attributes which are meant for sharing (to ensure only these are shared)
  • Restrict how far the sharing goes - to better restrict what is possible and to avoid unwanted side-effects (eg. current App only)
  • Possibly restrict what parts are shared / can be inherited

Probably minimal setup for sharing:

  "Share": true

Future: Probably advanced setup for sharing outside of current App

  "Share": true, // required for sharing
  // The following are currently not implemented
  "ShareRestriction": "Site", // optional, restrict sharing to this level, optional, defaults to "Scope" = "Current App, Current Scope"
  "ShareOnly": "Metadata", // optional, by default everything that can be shared is shared, this would restrict it to only share the metadata


  • Mark Attributes to indicate that their identity is the the same as another field
  • Mark Attributes to indicate they inherit something (eg. the Metadata)
  • Possibly exact control over what is inherited (eg. all specs, only certain specs etc.)
  • Possibly inherit from multiple attributes (eg. MyField inherits label from MyFieldBase and Formulas from MyFieldBase2)

Inherit Metadata / Configuration of another Field

Most common version of inherit (inherits all metadata of a shared field, nothing else)

  "InheritMetadataOf": "0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9", // inherit all metadata from this field

WIP - Preserve minimal features of own Metadata


  "InheritMetadataOf": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/@All/Name,0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9",

Future: Complex Metadata inheritance

  "InheritMetadataOf": "0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9,0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/@UiFormulas,0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/@All,0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/-@All",

Note WIP - the long string on inheritMetadataOf is a string version of the following rules. Reason we're just using a string is to keep things simple in the final format.

  • 0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9 - inherit all metadata from this field
  • 0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/@UiFormulas - inherit the @UiFormulas metadata from this field
  • 0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/@All - inherit the @All metadata from this field
  • 0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9/-@All - inherit the metadata except @All from this field

Future: Other Inheritance in Consideration

  "Inherit": "0fc6d925-77df-4ccc-80dd-5d9ddaf003c9", // inherit identity and from the field with this guid
  "InheritName": true, // would enforce the name to match the original in code/APIs no matter what name is manually set
  "InheritMetadata": true, // inherit all metadata from this field


  • Initial experiments v16.07.01 2023-10-27