Table of Contents

2sxc Basics Overview

In 2sxc most things just magically work. These docs give you a deep understanding of how they work so you can figure out really cool stuff.

The Stack: How Systems and Users Interact

This is what web-systems do from a bird's-eye perspective.

On the top you see what happens in the browser:

  1. Show content / output using HTML
  2. Interactive Content or SPAs where the UI is smart and works with data
  3. Editing content and data works by default, and you can do a lot more

The bottom shows what happens on the server:

  1. Awesomeize is where you template the data and add logic on the Server.
  2. Prepare is a layer of data processing where the desired data is selected to be shown, filtered, sorted etc.
  3. Your Data is the original material - created by an editor in the CMS or it's data coming from SQL, CSV or elsewhere.

How to Learn the Basics

To learn the basics it's probably best tof first discover Tutorials and many example Apps

The Stack in Detail

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

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