Table of Contents

App LookUps

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

The App has three Sources which can be used in LookUps

  1. App - for app properties
  2. App:Settings - for settings of the App
  3. App:Resources - for i18n resources in the App

App Tokens

The following tokens are related to App-Information and Resources. Dnn/DotNetNuke does have these, you can only access them when in a 2sxc-App.

Token Description Result
[App:Path] /App-Demos/2sxc/Tutorial Tokens
[App:PhysicalPath] \\nasw2\P\2sxc 2019b\Web\App-Demos\2sxc\Tutorial Tokens

App:Settings Tokens

Token Description Result
[App:Settings:<Property>] App Settings which the App-designer defined. -
[App:Settings:UseLightbox] All the information (multi-lingual) true

App:Resources Tokens

Token Description Result
[App:Resources:<Property>] All the information (multi-lingual) -
[App:Resources:GreetingText] All the information (multi-lingual) Hello there Token-Learner


  1. Params added in 2sxc ca. v2
  2. Enhanced with Settings/Resources ca. v4