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Cms LookUps for Dnn ☢️ and Oqtane 🩸

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The following lookups are new in v12 and work across platforms for both Dnn ☢️ and Oqtane 🩸:

Site Tokens (new in v12 ☢️🩸)

Token Dnn Oqtane Description Result
[Site:Guid] ?

Page Tokens (new in v12 ☢️🩸)

Token Dnn Oqtane Description Result
[Page:Guid] ? ? tbd

Module Tokens

Note: these are the module tokens which work in both Dnn & Oqtane.

In Dnn the Module tokens will provide more options - check out Dnn Module Tokens.


  1. Params added in 2sxc v12