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DateTime LookUps

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There is one DateTime Source which can be used in LookUps:

DateTime Tokens

Token Description Result
[DateTime:Now] Current Date and Time 12/2/2019 3:05 AM
[DateTime:System] Current Date and Time of the System 12/2/2019 3:05 AM
[DateTime:UTC] Current Date and Time on UTC 12/2/2019 3:05 AM
[Ticks:Now] CPU Tick Count for Current Second 637108851369920459
[Ticks:Today] CPU Tick Count since Midnight 637108416000000000
[Ticks:TicksPerDay] CPU Ticks per Day (for calculations) 864000000000

For Date/Time and numeric values, you can also append a string defined by the .NET framework, for example: [DateTime:Now|] current Date/Time formatted according to , e.g. [DateTime:Now|f] displays current date in short format (does not apply to Calculated Column expressions) or [DateTime:Now|dd.MM.yyyy] in German date format.

Text items may be formatted using {0}, e.g. [User:Displayname|Hello {0}]. You can also add alternative text that gets returned if the requested value is Null or empty: [Token:Property|Format|Alternative] e.g. [User:Displayname|Welcome Back,{0}|Hello Guest]


  1. Params added in 2sxc ca. v2
  2. Enhanced with Settings/Resources ca. v4