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In LookUp in Query Parameters

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Data Sources in a query can retrieve values from another data-source which is a source. Use the [In:source-name:attribute-name] syntax. So if you have a Value DataSource which has the Default-in with the data to filter, and a Module-in comes from the Module Settings, you would write [In:Module:Category] to filter by the the category as selected in the module settings.

Here's an example with the SQL DataSource:

  • The SqlDataSource has a SQL statement with a [In:Mod:PortalId] token
  • It's important that the connection containing the data is called Mod for this to work
  • The data handed to it will contain the PortalId 1

And another example showing the older UI with the ValueSort DataSource:

Read also


  1. In added in 2sxc 07.00