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Web / Server / HTTP LookUps

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

There are three Sources for web parameters which can be used in LookUps:

  1. QueryString - for url parameters
  2. Form - for fields in the http-post
  3. Server - for HTTP Server_... variables

QueryString Tokens

Extended Standard Tokens

The following tokens are still very "normal" but not part of the common Dnn tokens. They work in 2sxc - but not in many Dnn-Tools

Token Description Result
[QueryString:<Url-Param-Name>] String -
[QueryString:TabId] String - this demo shows the TabId
which is in the QueryString because of the internal URL-Rewrite.
[QueryString:Category] String - click here to see effect

Form Tokens

Form Tokens only exist if the request was a Post.

Token Description Result
[Form:<Form-Param-Name>] Form post values. Usually not needed, but if you do need it, it's here. -


  1. Params added in 2sxc ca. v2
  2. Enhanced with Settings/Resources ca. v4