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Class SxcCms

This is in charge of sxc.cms on the instance level. ATM it just has the run command. In future, it may also have dedicated command like layout etc.

cms Service of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

Very often your JS will want to execute CMS related commands, like opening the edit dialog.

The cms object on the Sxc-Instance is responsible for this. It's very similar to the global $2sxc.cms object, except that it already knows what context it's running in.


This was introduced in 2sxc v13.03. It should replace most of the

As of now, the cms object only has one command called run(...).

run Command

The run command only has one signature:

 run<T>(runParams: RunParams): Promise<void | T>

This is similar to the global run but it already knows the context it's running in.

  • TODO


  1. Created in v13.03

Package: Api.Js.SxcJs



Run a command on this sxc-instance. Requires edit mode to be on, which would enable the edit-JS parts. To use, remember to activate 2sxc.JsCms on the page

cms Service of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

Very often your JS will want to execute CMS related commands, like opening the edit dialog.

The cms object on the Sxc-Instance is responsible for this. It's very similar to the global $2sxc.cms object, except that it already knows what context it's running in.


This was introduced in 2sxc v13.03. It should replace most of the

As of now, the cms object only has one command called run(...).

run Command

The run command only has one signature:

 run<T>(runParams: RunParams): Promise<void | T>

This is similar to the global run but it already knows the context it's running in.

  • TODO


  1. Created in v13.03

function run<T>(runParams: RunParams)
Type Name Description
RunParams runParams

real type is actually RunParams

Type Description
Promise<void | T>