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Icons in Apps

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Icons are a great way to make your app more recognizable and user-friendly. They are used in many places, like the app-list, the content-type list, the view-list and more. The most common icons are:

  • The App Icon - shown in the app picker, app-admin and apps-management
  • The View Icon - shown in the view-picker and view-admin (future)
  • Content-Type Icons - shown in the content-type selection in the special Content App

App Icon

App icons are convention based, so there is no configuration for it. To give your app an icon, place a file called app-icon.png in the root folder of your app. It should be square, and at least 500x500 pixels.

Icons for Views / Templates

This is also convention based, there is no configuration for it.

2sxc 12.02 also introduces the possibility of specifying an icon in the view-configuration. You have two options for that

  • Convention: To give your views/templates an icon, add an icon file with the same name as your template file.
    So if your template is called _overview.cshtml your icon should be _overview.png.
  • Configured, in the App-Folder: Place the file in the App-folder and reference it using [App:Path]/your-file.png
    👍🏽 this is the recommended option
  • ADAM: Just drop a file there and let ADAM manage it.
    ⚠️ this is not recommended, because this way the file is NOT in your app folder, so it won't be included in export/import

Icons for Content-Types

Content-Types don't have a file (like a Template), so this is only configuration based.

Just edit the Content-Type Metadata and on the Icon-field you have two options:

  1. Configured, in the App-Folder: Place the file in the App-folder and reference it using [App:Path]/your-file.png v12
    👍🏽 this is the recommended option
  2. ADAM:Just drop the image you want for your content-type and let ADAM manage it
    ⚠️ this is not recommended, because this way the file is NOT in your app folder, so it won't be included in export/import


  1. App icons introduced ca. v9.01
  2. View Icons introduced ca. v9.01
  3. Content-Type Icons introduced ca. v9.01
  4. View Icons enhanced with option to upload or specify manually in v12.02