Table of Contents

Field Data Type: Boolean

This explains Boolean Fields. For an overview check out Understanding Data....

The Boolean Data Type

Boolean data is a basic data type and is for yes/no, true/false, 1/0 values.

It can also contain null values.


The basic boolean field doesn't have any features, since all the features are in the sub-types.


Every boolean field can be configured to have special labels shown in each state.

Input-Types of Boolean Fields

  1. boolean-default - simple on/off input field
  2. boolean-tristate on/off with optional null (not-defined)

Technical Information

Storage in the SQL Database in the EAV-Model

This is converted to a string when stored as a string in the DB, and converted back to a boolean when the data is loaded.

Storage in the SQL Database in the JSON-Model

This is simply stored as a true, false or null in json.

Null Value Possible

In some cases you may add a field to a type which already has Entities created previously. In this case the old data doesn't have a value for the field. If this happens, the field will return null, so you may need to catch this special exception in your code.

A common shorthand to work with nulls is the ?? operator: @(Content.IsAdult ?? false)

Another common use is to check for true. So instead of @if(Content.IsAdult) {...} Use if(Content.IsAdult == true) {...}


  1. Introduced in EAV 1.0 2sxc 1.0