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CMS Command Workflows
for Commands and Toolbars

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CMS Commands which are triggered using JS or using the toolbar can also have special workflows to customize what happens.

Examples of things you can do

  1. You can conditionally intercept commands and prevent them
  2. You can prevent the page-reload after certain dialogs
  3. You can log things to the console for debugging
  4. Anything you want

Simple Example

This is a simple workflow step, which would log what's happening internally on every command which is executed by an action:

// This workflow step will run on every action, just to log what's happening
const workflowToLog = {
  command: 'all',   // Run on every command/action
  phase: 'all',     // Run before and after
  code: (wfArgs) => {
    console.log("We are doing something - here are the details.", wfArgs);

Workflow Object

Register Workflow Steps

Register When Using

When calling Commands from JavaScript, the workflow steps are directly included in the call, like this:

<div class="alert alert-primary" style="width: 50%;">
    The following command will open an edit dialog. 
    When you click it and close the dialog again, the page will <em>not refresh</em>. <br>
    Instead, you'll see console messages that a custom JS took over the process. <br>

    <a href="#" onclick="openAndCancelRefreshAfterwards(this, 'new', { contentType: 'UiEmptyHelloWorld'})">Run open command</a>

  function openAndLogEverything(tag, action, params) {

    // This workflow step will run on every action, just to log what's happening
    const workflowToLog = {
      command: 'all',   // Run on every command/action
      phase: 'all',     // Run before and after
      code: (wfArgs) => {
        console.log("We are doing something - here are the details.", wfArgs);

    // This is the workflow step we will register to stop page refresh
    const workflowToDisableRefresh = {
      command: 'refresh',   // The command name it's for
      phase: 'before',      // The workflow-step should run before the command is executed
      code: (wfArgs) => {   // The code which should be run
        console.log('Asked to refresh, will return false to stop it. These are the arguments we got.', wfArgs);
        return false;       // Return false to stop this command from happening

    var steps = [workflowToLog, workflowToDisableRefresh];

    $2sxc(tag){ action: action, params: params, workflows: steps})
      .then(function(data) {
        console.log("after run", data);
        return false;

Register With Toolbars

When calling a command from a toolbar, you can't directly include it. Instead, you must add an event to register workflow steps when the toolbar executes an action.

This is described in detail in Toolbar Workflows

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  1. Global $ supporting workflows introduced in v12.10
  2. Instance version added in v13.03