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How To Create Custom Input Fields (v11.2)

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Sometimes you want a custom input field - as color-picker, dropdown-from-api or whatever.

  1. 2sxc 11 finally allows you to do this using simple WebComponents
  2. Registering these happens by placing them in a specific folder
  3. You can also make them configurable by placing a content-type json in another folder

There are more ways to provide and register custom input fields - like when you need them globally across many apps and portals. That is not discussed here.

Quick-Start Video and Tutorial

If you're new here, best watch this video:

Then check out the tutorials.

What kind of Custom Input Field can you Create

You can create any kind of custom input field, as a JavaScript WebComponent.

  1. Look and Feel however you want it
  2. Any kind of JS code
  3. Talking to any other system (Google Maps, etc.)
  4. Talking to any endpoint (weather APIs)

This overview will get you started, but we've already created demos on the 2sxc Tutorials. If you want to know more, you should also read the specs

Getting Started with Custom Input Fields

Basically a custom Input Field is just a index.js in the correct folder. These are the specs:

  1. An input field as described here is an App Extension.
    1. All App Extensions must each lie in an own folder...
    2. within a folder called system inside the App folder
  2. The folder name for your custom input field must obey certain naming rules so that they are auto-detected.
  3. The javascript that will be loaded must be called index.js
  4. Your script must register a custom element - a WebComponent - in the browser
  5. The name of your custom element is predefined, and must adhere to the naming rules.

Here's a checklist to get this setup


Once you have that setup, the input field is automatically detected and a user can choose it as a field type in the configuration.

Some Background on WebComponents

  1. The WebComponent has a simple lifecycle - from when it's created to when it receives data and can push changes back to the form.
  2. The form itself is reactive. This means that your field will receive messages when the value changes or when other values change (in case you want to use other field values in your input).
  3. The API to communicate with the form has a few complexities you need to know. This is because the form is very dynamic - so the user could switch languages, and your input field needs to react to this.

So let's get started 🚀!

Getting the HTML into the Custom Input

WebControls are developed using pure JavaScript, but a control is automatically a rich DOM object. So your this object can do all kinds of DOM manipulations, but in most cases you'll just do something like this:

this.innerHTML = 'Hello <em>world</em>!';

Now you have to wait with doing this, till your object has been added to the DOM, so you need to kick this off in the connectedCallback() like this:

class EmptyHelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

  /* Constructor for WebComponents - the first line must always be super() */
  constructor() {

  /* connectedCallback() is the standard callback when the component has been attached */
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = 'Hello <em>world</em>!';

Read and Write Values

The 2sxc form will initialize your custom element and attach a connector object. This happens automatically, so you will have it once connectedCallback() is fired. This connector is a rich object with lots of stuff, but for your field value you need to know these bits

  • gets you the current value
  • updates the form with the changed value
  •$ is the observable version of the value - this is great for advanced use cases, but otherwise you can stick to the simple .value

Avoid calling update(...) if nothing changed - as it will make the form dirty, so the user will be asked if he wants to save when cancelling the dialog, even though nothing changed.


Check out this tutorial example of Pickr to see all this in action

Load Custom CSS and JS Libraries

Since this is all standard JavaScript, you can do it anyhow you want. For example, to load some CSS we recommend that you simply add a <link> tag to your html, like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

For JavaScript you can do the same, either using a <script> tag or telling the browser to load the JS using DOM commands. We also provide a helper on connector.loadScript(name, url, callback) which does the following:

  1. Check if the name given in the first parameter exists on the window object (to check if it's already loaded)
  2. If not, load the script provided in the url
  3. Watch the window object using polling to see when the item with name is created
  4. Then trigger your callback function

Check out the tutorial example of Pickr to see all this in action

Make your Fields Configurable

Now you have a color-picker, but each field may require a different set of preconfigured colors. Or maybe your date picker has could optionally restrict dates to weekdays. In these cases, you need configuration specific for the field.


2sxc 17 introduces the ability to configure exactly what content-types are provided to configure the Input-Type.

So without this config, the default system always uses a @All, @Xyz where Xyz is the name of the data eg. String, and @exact-name-of-the-input-type eg. @string-my-picker.

With the config, you can eg. skip the @String even if you have a string field.

Create Your own WYSIWYG Field

WYSIWYG fields are very hard to do right. Basically you can simply create your own using the same principles as mentioned above. But we recommend that you use the existing WYSIWYG field provided by 2sxc and just change some of the configurations.


By just reconfiguring the existing 2sxc WYSIWYG you will benefit from ADAM file-upload and continuous updates to the main component.

Here's what you need to know

  • The WYSIWYG field is based on TinyMCE - so to make configuration changes, you'll need to understand that API pretty well.
  • To change it, you need to create a wrapper component which contains the standard 2sxc-wysiwyg and give it different configurations.
  • To do this, we are calling various methods on a reconfigure object of your wrapper - so you can override most of the defaults

To learn more, best look at the tutorials and the API