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Formula Designer

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

In the Edit-UI you can always enter a Developer-Mode to develop / debug your formulas using real life data.

Enter Developer Mode

When the edit form is open, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Ctrl + Option + Shift on Mac) and click anywhere in the form. The debug bar should appear. If you have difficulties, use this checklist.

Select Formula to work On

In the dialog you'll see dropdowns to select the entity, field and property. Things that already have a formula are bold:

The Formula Designer

These are the important parts in the UI:

  1. Tab for the Formula Designer
  2. Tab for logs/errors caused by formulas
  3. Pick the Entity on which to edit a formula - this often has only 1 entry
  4. Pick the Field on which to edit the formula
  5. Pick the Property or select Value to determine what the formula affects
  6. Free-Text entry to create formulas for other properties. Use Fields.Settings.SettingName
  7. Help
  8. Formula code - see JS Formulas docs
  9. Data-Snippets showing you what the data object has for use in your code
    This is only visible in v1, but not in v2, as v2 has intellisense and doesn't need this
  10. Results (live) when the formula is running to show what came out of it
  11. Edit to enter formula edit mode
  12. Reset the formula to what it was originally
  13. Save
  14. Play / Run the formula

Debug Formulas

By default, as soon as you're working on a formula, it will dump the data, context and result to the console once it's running. This is what that looks like (Make sure to enter developer mode in Chrome using F12):

You can also to do additional debugging. For that please consult the JavaScript Formulas Docs


  • Added in 2sxc 12.01
  • Ability to also create new formulas directly in the UI ca. 2sxc 14
  • Enhanced new v2 API in 2sxc 15.7 - officially released in 16.0