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C# Base Classes

Every C# helper file / custom service inherits from a base class. depending on the base class, the APIs and features in the template will change.

Example for /AppCode/Services/FunnyService.cs - v17.03+:

namespace AppCode.Services
  public class FunnyService : Custom.Hybrid.CodeTyped
    public string PageTitle => MyPage.Title;
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Typed / Strong-Typed for v16+

These are the recommended Typed C# base classes to inherit today:

  1. Custom.Hybrid.CodeTyped - new in v16

Using these base classes ensures that you have the latest, Typed APIs.

For older base classes and the differences, see below.

Older Base Classes (Dynamic)

These are the older - Dynamic base classes - not recommended for new development, but still supported for backwards compatibility.

  1. Custom.Hybrid.Code14 - new in v14
  2. Custom.Hybrid.Code12 - new in v12
  3. Custom.Dnn.Code12 - v12; same as Hybrid, but with Dnn property

C# Classes Which Don't Inherit

If you don't specify a base class, the class will behave as a standard, new class. Example:

namespace AppCode.Services
  public class FunnyService
    // This can't work, because there is no MyPage object
    public string PageTitle => MyPage.Title;

Compare Dynamic vs. Typed C# Code

The new Typed base classes are much more robust and easier to debug than the classic Dynamic code. They provide great IntelliSense (when configured in VS Code).

When used in combination with Data Models and Services in the AppCode folder, they also allow you to go Strong Typed. This is the recommended way to write code in 2sxc 16+.



CodeTyped uses Typed API. See TODO:

See Custom.Hybrid.CodeTyped


Base Classes in the AppCode Namespace

These are base classes for which the code lies in the AppCode/* folder of your App. Some will be auto-generated, others will be made by you.

📖 Read about the Typed API here TODO:



Code14 ist the last release for Dynamic API. It and all previous versions use Dynamic API. See TODO:

See Custom.Hybrid.Code

Code14 almost identical with the older Code12 (see below) with these differences:

  1. the Kit property is new, providing access to the ServiceKit called ServiceKit14. It provides access to all the services you need, like Data, Security, Koi, Convert and more.

  2. the Convert property is removed, as it caused confusion with System.Convert

Note: hybrid base classes don't have a Dnn property. ...more

Custom.Hybrid.Code12 & Custom.Dnn.Code12


Code12 uses the Dynamic API. See TODO:

See Custom.Hybrid.Code12 and Custom.Dnn.Code12

This was introduced in 2sxc 12. It contains the features which will work cross-platform on both Dnn and Oqtane. You should use this base class to create solutions / Apps which work on Dnn and Oqtane.

Custom.Dnn.Code12 is identical to Custom.Hybrid.Code12 but with the addition of the Dnn property. See also Dnn Object.

Limitations of Code12

Since this base class is meant to work on both Dnn and Oqtane, it only supports features which both of these platforms support.

  1. The property Dnn doesn't exist on this base class, as it would lead to code which can't run cross-platform. ...more

  2. The CreateInstance(...) works only on C# files .cs but not with CSHTML files .cshtml as this probably won't work in .net 5

  3. Koi works differently than before. Previously you just used a global object Connect.Koi.Koi to use Koi, but because .net 5 should really use dependency injection, you should now get Koi using GetService<Connect.Koi.ICss>(). The old mechanism will still work in Dnn but would not work in Oqtane.