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These documentations are for versions before 15.x. They don't apply to v15+ but are kept for reference. We highly recommend that you don't use them.


Before v15, the DataBuilder was used in custom DataSources to create entities. In v15+ you should use the IDataFactory instead.

The following docs are out of date and will be upgraded soon.

DataSource API: DataBuilder.Entity(...)

Many data sources generate new content items - either because they deliver some kind of information, or because they convert data from another source into standardized entities. This is where DataBuilder.Entity(...) helps.

Just fyi: Here are the API docs. There is also an Entities for multiple Entities.

How the DataBuilder is added

The DataBuilder is a IDataBuilder which is automatically given as a property DataBuilder. The DataSource-Factory creates it.

How to use DataBuilder.Entity(...)

Here's a simple example of the tutorial DateTime DataSource:

const string DateFieldName = "Date";
var date = DateTime.Now;
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {DateFieldName, date},
    {"Weekday", date.DayOfWeek},
    {"DayOfWeek", (int) date.DayOfWeek}

// Construct the IEntity and return as ImmutableArray
var entity = DataBuilder.Entity(values, titleField: DateFieldName);
return new [] {entity}.ToImmutableArray();

This example shows how an entity-object is build using DataBuilder.Entity(values) on the ToSic.Eav.Data namespace.

Concept Behind DataBuilder.Entity(...)

Internally it will generate a simplified IEntity object. It's also missing some advanced features like multi-language and repository identity (which would be important in edit-scenarios).

The simplest way is to just use DataBuilder.Entity(someDictionary), more advanced uses also tell the system which field is the title, some numeric or Guid IDs and more.

Building Lists of Entities

You can loop through your data and call DataBuilder.Entity(someDictionary) many times. You can also use the overload DataBuilder.Entities(IEnumerable<someDictionary>). Best read the API docs.

More Parameters on DataBuilder.Entity(...)

All paramaters are optional, except the first one containing the values. Here's what each one does:

  • string titleField is the title field name, so the entity then also knows which one is the title and can support .EntityTitle property
  • string typeName is a nice name for the type, allowing for type-filtering later in other data sources
  • int id gives a number identity, so .EntityId is useful and filtering by EntityId (like when having details-pages needing this id) works
  • Guid guidId is a UUID identity, so .EntityGuid is useful
  • DateTime modified would allow to filter / sort by the .Modified property
  • int appId could be used to pretend it's part of another app. This only affects the AppId property, and ATM there is no important reason to do this.

Read also


  1. Introduced in EAV 4.x, 2sxc 09.13