Table of Contents

All Changes in EAV and 2sxc v9

Version 9

Changes Version 9.0

  • [x] Change data access to Entity Framework Core 1.1
  • [x] Change IoC Layer to use .net Core mechanisms
  • [x] Replace Quick-Dialogs with Angular4 implementation

Changes Version 9.1

  • [x] Move primary quick-dialog GUI to bottom of page

Changes Version 9.3

  • [x] Item-Level versioning, history and rollback

Changes Version 9.4

  • [x] Drop all dependencies to Telerik - file browser using ADAM

Changes Version 9.5

Changes Version 9.6

Changes Version 9.7 - the JSON-Content-Types & Entities Upgrade

  • [x] New features in entity json serialization
    • [x] Support for schema-free (very dynamic) entities
  • [x] new features in content-type json serialization
    • [x] defined json format for content-types
    • [x] full serialization and deserialization of json-based content types
  • [x] SQL IRepository storage enhancements
    • [x] extended SQL table Entities to also store AppId and ContentType (name) to ensure that json-entities can be stored
    • [x] Support to persist entities as JSON in repository (DB)
  • [x] file-storage implementation of IRepository loader, to created a standard-based app-content-types provider
    • [x] Ability to provide file-based json content-types at a system level, which is probably the better solution for most scenarios (more flexible, easier to spot changes, etc.)
  • [x] global content-types system
    • [x] Support for code-provided content-types, which allows faster feature-evolution
    • [x] Support for JSON based i18n on code-provided content-types, to allow better translation removed again, as not needed
  • [x] Ensure export/import of data of these new content-types (req. extensive refactoring)
  • [x] extensive automated testing of these new features

Changes Version 9.8 - the VisualQuery Upgrade

  • [x] SqlDataSource in VisualQuery Designer
  • [x] Show DataSources which have Fallback-In-Streams in VisualQuery Designer
  • [x] UI Updates on VisualQuery Designer, to better fit current needs
  • [x] More help documentation for various data sources in VisualQuery Designer
  • [x] Shuffle DataSource now configurable in VisualQuery
  • [x] Support for Schema-Free Content (dynamic, without existing content-type)

Changes Version 9.9 - another VisualQuery Upgrade

  • [x] Enhance relationship filter to enable filtering on other fields of related items
  • [x] Enhance other data sources with features which so far were not available in the visual designer

Changes Version 9.10 - Combobox and more DataSources (WIP)

Changes Version 9.11 - Query-Picker & more DataSources

  • [x] Entity-Picker delivering items from a query, instead of a type
  • [x] string-dropdown-query to pick string-items from a query instead of pre-filled
  • [x] query export / import
  • [x] multi-select items in a string-query-picker

Changes Version 9.12

  • [x] Json-based global query definitions
  • [x] Method to add parameters to a called query (like when using an entity-pickers which uses a query)
  • [x] pre-build queries for things like zones, apps, content-types, fields, query-info etc.
  • [x] data sources for Zones, Apps, Queries, Attributes, etc.
  • [x] limit streams returned by a query

Changes Version 9.13

  • [x] Enhanced API to create custom DataSources + ca. 10 blog posts for that
  • [x] Standalone FnL / UDT DataSource (removed it from core distribution)

Changes Version 9.14 LTS

Changes Version 9.15-9.42 LTS

Didn't have time to document this yet, sorry. If you need to know, best check the git-history.

Breaking Changes in EAV and 2sxc Version 9

We try to minimize breaking changes, and most breaking changes won't affect your work, because it's internal API. We're documenting it here to ensure you know what happened, in case you still run into this.

Version 9.20.00 (2018-03-04)

  1. Minor breaking change in ADAM properties, like Id instead of FolderID which was a leftover of Dnn naming.
    see full blog post

Version 09.08.00 (2017-11-28)

  1. Minor breaking change List<IEntity> instead of Dictionary<int, IEntity> on the IDataSource
    see full blog post

Version 09.03.00 (2017-10-08)

  1. Breaking change on inconsistent naming ToSic.Eav.IEntity instead of ToSic.Eav.Interfaces.IEntity.
    see full blog post