Table of Contents

Class SxcData

Data Service for an App / Sxc-Instance to get/create data of a specific Content-Type Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

Package: Api.Js.SxcJs



Data Service for an App / Sxc-Instance to get/create data of a specific Content-Type Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

name: string
Property Value
Type Description


create(Record<string, unknown>)

Create a new entity with the values supplied Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function create(values: Record<string, unknown>)
Type Name Description
Record<string, unknown> values

a simple object containing the values to create

Type Description
Promise<Record<string, unknown>>

create(Record<string, unknown>, MetadataFor | string)

Create a new entity with the values supplied and also a metadata-for reference Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function create(values: Record<string, unknown>, metadataFor: MetadataFor | string)
Type Name Description
Record<string, unknown> values

a simple object containing the values to create

MetadataFor | string metadataFor
Type Description
Promise<Record<string, unknown>>


Delete an entity Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function delete(id: number)
Type Name Description
number id

id of the item to delete

Type Description


Delete an entity Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function delete(guid: string)
Type Name Description
string guid

GUID of the item to delete

Type Description


Get all items of this type. Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function getAll()
Type Description


Get the specific item with the ID. It will return null if not found Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function getOne(id: number)
Type Name Description
number id
Type Description
Promise<T> | null

update(number, Record<string, unknown>)

Update an existing entity with the values supplied Services of the Sxc Instance

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

A common need in JS is to read/write data from/to the backend.

2sxc 13 introduce new JS APIs for this.

  • data(...) gets a data service to get one or many items of the same type, and also create/update data (this document)
  • query(...) gets a query service to call server-side queries 👉 docs

Note: You can do all what these services do using webApi.fetchJson(...), but this is more convenient.


You may sometimes find old code which does something like data.on(...) or data.sourceUrl - this is obsolete and will not work any more.

👉 Check out the Js Data and Query Tutorials


The data format is described here: JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)

Get a Data Service

  1. Get the Sxc Instance of the current module
  2. Call .data(contentTypeName) to get the service


const modId = @CmsContext.Module.Id;
const sxc = $2sxc(modId);
const authorsSvc ='Authors');
authorsSvc.getAll().then(authors => console.log(authors));

Data Service Factory Parameters

The data(...) factory just has one parameter: the contentTypeName.

The returned service will always perform actions for this content-type.

Data Service APIs

Data Services always return a modern Promise containing data.

A Data Service has the following commands:

  • getAll() - no parameters, will return an array of all items of this content-type
  • getOne(id) - id is an int - will return a single item of this content-type
  • create(objectWithValues) - objectWithValues is a JS object with keys/values - will create the item and return it
  • create(objectWithValues, metadataFor) - metadataFor creates an item as metadata for something
  • delete(id) WIP
  • delete(guid) WIP
  • update(id, objectWithValues) - performs an update on the targeted item and returns the item. Note that objectWithValues can also just have a few properties, all others will be left as is.

Create Metadata

When using create(..., ...) with two parameters you are creating metadata. The signature of the address-object is

  1. Either a string containing a GUID to an entity (the most common case) - like 31f509f1-e553-4371-bf60-3d5e98937b79
  2. Or a full target identifier with TargetType and the ID as String, Number or Guid - see JSON Data Format used in WebAPI calls (technical)


👉 Js Data and Query Tutorials

function update(id: number, values: Record<string, unknown>)
Type Name Description
number id
Record<string, unknown> values
Type Description
Promise<Record<string, unknown>>