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App Configuration /App_Data/app.json (improved v17.02)

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The app.json file is a special config file located in the protected /App_Data folder.

This file is optional and serves multiple purposes:

  • Control export behavior of the app (eg. which folders to exclude) (v14)
  • Control which editions the app has - eg. for Copilot code generation (v17)
  • Control code generation behavior (v17 WIP)

Documentation uses JSON Schema

The app.json file is documented using a JSON schema, so you will have intellisense and validation in your editor. It's best to start with the following minimal json file:

  "$schema": ""

The JSON schema is very exact, so it will indicate which properties are allowed and which are not. Where possible, it will also provide intellisense for the values, and auto-complete certain defaults.

Configuration Parts

As of v17.02, the main parts of the app.json are:

  • export - which folders to exclude from export - see App Export Configuration
  • editions - which editions this app has (see below)
  • copilot - settings for code generation (WIP)


Editions allow you to create multiple variants of the app, which can be used in different scenarios.

  • eg. a bs3 and a bs4 edition of a bootstrap app - which does the same thing, but with slightly different HTML
  • eg staging and live to develop the next features on a live system without affecting the users

Best read up on Polymorphism to understand this.

Since 2sxc can't detect if a folder like layout is just a folder, or an edition, you must define this in the app.json. Once editions are configured, 2sxc can use this - for example to generate code using the 2sxc Copilot.

Here's an example of how to configure editions (note that in VS-Code you would get intellisense):

  "$schema": "",
  "editions": {
    "": {
      "description": "The root / edition of the app."
    "staging": {
      // This is our default edition - will work in 2sxc 17.03.01+
      "isDefault": true,
      "description": "This is the staging edition of the app",
      // BTW: you can add comments like this
      // This is for a future feature, to auto-copy all files from staging to live
      "deployTo": "live",
      "generateModelsEnabled": true,
    "live": {
      "description": "This is the live edition of the app",
      "generateModelsEnabled": false



  • Created in v14.10
  • Updated in 17.02 with editions and copilot
