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System Settings in 2sxc ✨ new!

you are here (click to zoom) - discover the stack

Note: The System Settings feature is new in 12.04 so only a few settings are predefined as of now. This will expand in future releases.


These are just the predefined settings. Remember you can create any other settings on the App-Settings ContentType

Predefined System Settings

Google Maps Settings

Part Key Value in Default Introduced Comments
GoogleMaps v12.04 Pls read special docs
GoogleMaps InitialZoom # 14 v12.04 Initial maps zoom level
GoogleMaps ApiKey $ AIzaSyAKEFB... v12.04 The API key used to show a Map
GoogleMaps ShowApiKeyWarning b true v12.04 Show a warning if it's still the default key, which isn't meant for live sites
GoogleMaps MarkerIcon $ (empty) v12.04 empty = google default 📍

Images Settings

Image settings are very sophisticated, so they are documented on an own page:

👉 see Image Resize Settings in 2sxc


Find out more about the Settings.WebResources here WebResources in Settings Stack ✨ new

Work-in-Progress Settings

Note: the following QuickEdit Settings exist but have no effect ATM

Part Key Value in Default Introduced Comments
QuickEdit.Default Enable b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Default AddApp b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Default AddContent b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Default Select b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Default Paste b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Default Move b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module Enable b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module AddApp b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module AddContent b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module Select b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module Paste b true v12.04
QuickEdit.Module Move b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea Enable b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea AddApp b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea AddContent b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea Select b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea Paste b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentArea Move b false v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic Enable b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic AddApp b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic AddContent b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic Select b true v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic Paste b false v12.04
QuickEdit.InnerContentDynamic Move b false v12.04

Conventions used in System Settings ⚠ Advanced

The built-in system settings are meant to carry hundreds of settings. To enable that, the structure is always as follows:

  1. Every topic - like GoogleMaps will have an own configuration ContentType
  2. All the names of these will start with the emoji "⚙️" so the ContentType will have a name like ⚙️GoogleMaps
  3. It should always have a field called SettingsIdentifier repeating the name like GoogleMaps
  4. All of these fields should have an empty-state (like empty string, not-set-number) etc.
  5. ... Items and ... ItemIdentifier


  • Full Settings Stack introduced in 2sxc 12.04