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Edit Content or Data in Dnn / 2sxc

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2sxc has powerful CMS features, most of them just work by magic. You can also modify the behavior to fit your needs.

When users edit content they usually use in-page buttons to access edit-dialogs and more. Here is a short overview and links to what you need to know.

The Standard Edit Dialogs

Editing mostly happens in stand-alone dialogs which are JavaScript based (built using Angular). These dialogs are typically dialogs like

  1. edit an item
  2. edit a combination of items - like a content item and an assigned presentation-settings item

This is documented in Edit Content or Data in Dnn / 2sxc

In-Page Toolbars and User Experience

The edit UX begins in the page showing the content/data. Things like

  • toolbars opening dialogs or performing actions like publish, move up/down etc.
  • quickE (Quick Edit) to customize the toolbar which adds / deletes modules
  • inner-content editing

Learn More About...

You may want to learn more about:

  1. Customize the Toolbar in JavaScript or Razor
  2. Call CMS commands from buttons without using the toolbar
  3. Show certain HTML to editors only