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Edit Content or Data in Dnn / 2sxc

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Editing mostly happens in stand-alone dialogs which are JavaScript based (built using Angular). These dialogs are typically dialogs like

  1. edit an item
  2. edit a combination of items - like a content item and an assigned presentation-settings item

The configuration of these edit-dialogs happens in the Content Type configuration, which automatically generates the correct dialog for the user. To understand this better, you may want to research

  1. Content-Types which define what fields exist in the edit-dialog
  2. Field Data Types which determine what options a field has and how it's stored
  3. Custom input types for special input types not provided by default
  4. Presentation Settings which tell the view how an item is to be shown, check also the content/data differences
  5. View/Template configuration which assigns certain content-types to Templates - check out this tutorial
  6. Difference between Content and Data and how it affects the in-page editing features

Learn More About...

  1. How to create Custom Input Fields
  2. Advanced fields like the GPS-picker
  3. Configuration like Enable-A-Field, Can-be-Translated, Default-values