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NPM Package @2sic/dnn-sxc-angular

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We've created a library to help you connect Angular with Dnn called dnn-sxc-angular.

You can find it here: dnn-sxc-angular on Npm.

To start, you should learn how to install.

The library contains the following bits of magic to get you going:

  1. Http Interceptor which ensures that all calls to Dnn have the necessary security headers
  2. Data API to quickly get data from WebAPIs
  3. CMS directives to create toolbars in the Angular App for editing content
  4. Context information about the page/module and current sxc-objects


  1. ca. 2015 first version for Angular 2
  2. ca. 2016 enhanced for Angular 6 and latest 2sxc features
  3. 2019 Enhanced with Hot-Reloading features for Angular 8 and completely reworked how context is detected in Dnn
  4. 2020 Improved Hot-Reloading
  5. 2021-02 Added tag-toolbar attribute and created refresh callback so the page doesn't reload (requires 2sxc 11.12)
  6. 2021-02-26 v.11.01 - added new attribute angular-path to use as base for lazy loading

To Do Status 2021-03

  1. enhance the content-manager to provide write commands (ATM read-only) - you can still do this, but must use the context.sxc... classic JS API
  2. enhance the content-manager to provide create-metadata commands - you can still do this, but must use the context.sxc... classic JS API